ITC Think Drive

Are you a School Principal, Teacher or Administrator?
A new digital resource framework with thousands of downloadable resources, including writable templates and interactive activities designed to scaffold students' learning.
Centred around 60 regularly-used and curriculum-aligned task verbs, Thinkdrive has an array of downloadable and customisable thinking tools, templates and assessment exemplars. Containing hundreds of K-2 and 3-6, national curriculum aligned resources and a range of interactive thinking skills activities to enhance study skill programs. With printable posters, lesson and unit planning tools, cooperative learning activities, explanation videos, fast finisher activities and more!
From the publishers of the best-selling teacher diaries itc Innovative teachers' companion. Thinkdrive is a one-stop digital resource that aligns over 60 regularly used cognitive verbs and equips teachers with all the itc thinking tools. As well as interactive resources and downloadable activities think drive includes itc companion series features such as itc thinking tool templates, sentence starters and assessment response exemplars.
School Benefits - Improved Pedagogy, improved outcomes, affordable
Teacher Benefits - Save time, easy to use
Student Benefits - Improved thinking skills
Contact us at [email protected] or (02) 9521-8266 for more information and to start your free school or individual trial today.